Angol - Magyar Szótár | did you

Online fordító - Szótár
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did you

szóra: 37 - Angol-Magyar szótár
did you ever hear of such a thing?
did you ever hear the beat of that?
did you ever see such a thing?
did you hurt yourself
did you see him?
did you see it
how did you come by that watch?
how far did you go?
what did you give for it?
when did you know of it?
where did you get that
who did you have for dinner?
who did you have to dinner?
whom did you give
whom did you give the money to?
whom did you give the money?

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Legutóbbi 10 fordítás

sulphur waste
tooth and nail
take a poor view of
take a dim view of
as clear as crystal
vacate the premises
slack hours
did you


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