Angol - Magyar Szótár | is not

Online fordító - Szótár
Speciális karakterek:     

is not

szóra: 51 - Angol-Magyar szótár
is not
all is not gold that glitters
all that glitters is not gold
common gossip is not evidence
courage is not wanting in him
he is not above stealing
he is not all there
he is not at all there
he is not down yet
he is not entirely disinterested
he is not feeling quite the thing
he is not getting anywhere
he is not in on the deal
he is not looking the right way
he is not quite right in his head
he is not really on the job

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Amennyiben új szót szeretne beküldeni az Angol-Magyar szótárba, lépjen a közösség menüpontra.

Weboldal tulajdonosoknak
Amennyiben szeretne szótárablakot a saját oldalára, kattintson ide.

Legutóbbi 10 fordítás

push the clutch out
railway carriage
lay a complaint
main office
he would do it if he knew how
exuberance of feeling
fruit seller
is not


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